"Let's Change It To Sunday". Isn't That What I Said?

Okay so my youngest nephew's birthday is coming up and I volunteer to throw him a party at the House Of Kicks. My sister wanted to have it at the house, but she didn't want anymore then 10 children in her house at one time. (rolling my eyes) How are you not gonna have more then 10 children at a birthday party for a CHILD! My goodness ya'll...it's the crack I swear!

Well me and my big mouth I say "let's have it at the house of kicks Kim. It's big and the children can run free and have more fun." She agreed and we start making the plans.

Now his birthday is on the 3rd of September and at first she wanted to have it on the day after but I said "no way Kim, let's have it on the day of." she agreed and we made the final arrangements for 3:00 pm Saturday September 3rd 2005...But how many of you know that not all things are etched in stone? Some things are subject to change.

Well later on after the plans were made I find out that my church is having a Back To School Rally the same day as the party. And that means most of the children invited will not attend due to the rally. And you know I can't have a lame a** party for my nephew, so I call my sister and say "Hey Kim we might have to change the party to Sunday after all, because the rally is on that day." She was pissed off and made a big deal out of the sudden change. Now the lady who we made the arrangements with said that we could make changes up until the day of. And since we are talking about kids, I was sure that changes would have to be made in the first place. She starts telling me how she hates changing things at the last minute(I do to) and what not like that. And then told me "I'm not changing it!!"(with an attitude) First of all...last minute? The party is not until September the 3rd! I could see if I was changing it on say...September 2nd!! Any whoo, she told she would have to check with his father to see if that day would be okay with him....wtf? Knowing how cool Jason is I knew he would see things my way.

To make a long story somewhat short. After all that fussing and making a mountain out of a mole hill (I used to hate it when my mother said that) She called me and says "Dee, let's change the party to Sunday so all of his friends will be able to come...okay?" WTF?? Isn't that what I said people? You know what, I bring these things on myself. Yep I do it to myself people. See if I had of let her do it the way she wanted to in the beginning, I wouldn't have to blog this crap to keep from screaming! Oh well that's what the h*ll I get.


NameLiar said…
Sisters are a trip, aren't they? I have 3 younger sisters (20,19,&18) and them broads be sending me through at times. I hate it when I tell them something and they argue with me up and down then turn around and agree.

Gee Wizz...lol
Girl I have been meaning to ask who does the art on your blog? Oh and do you play "Da Numbas"?
Didi Roby said…

Three sister??? I would be pulling my d*mn hair out:)

Gee Wizz it right....lol


Sometimes it doesn't say when I go online and find a pic that fits the post.

"Da Numbas"...?? I'm 31 boo hip your girl to the slang okay...lol:)


An only child...man that sounds nice(oh sorry I went to another place just then)...lol

Virgos...we are so d*mn anal aren't we??:)

Bye Play-Play Sis...:)
Didi Roby said…
I missed you sonyared!! Where yo end been?? :)Naw don't throw in the towel, see they need us to get the party stated right!!
brooklyn babe said…
Ooo I want a play play sista too?
But I'm not a Virgo. Darn.
Hey with siblings, I learn to chalk it up, shut your mouth, and just send money @ Xmas. Lol
Didi Roby said…

You know Kim don't you? Crack kills!! I'm enjoying your youthful blog...interesting Annie:)


Missed you to girl. Glad you back:)

Brooklyn Babe...

You just might be on to something with that send money on Christmas idea:) Awwwwwww, you can be a play play to:)
I'm wondering WHY you wanna change it to Sunday but it's really WHY Wednesday???
What it do babygirl! Family is beautiful!

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