Mom!....she's doing it again!

This "listing" thing has gotten out of control in shoegals house for sure...I do it at work, (both jobs) at church, (when I'm supposed to be in worship) on the train the other day, (my mother took my car)'s ridiculous! But it's so much fun...thanks Teej.... now I have another habit (wink!)

The pic of the Rock to your left, is what started this mornings "list fest" I was sitting at my beloved computer, and all of a sudden one of my girlfriends sends this a pic of the Rock....(what the H*ll she do that fo)

1. This man is so d**n fine!
2. Even playing a gay guy he was fine as h*ll...
3. I thought the afro was sexy!
4. I need to clean my house
5. Why do people scream at you when they have on headphones?
6. They are the ones who can't hear(fool)
7. I have way too many shoes for a normal person
8. I should marry a sugar daddy...
9. Naaaaa! he wouldn't satisfy me
10. How do you spell....Supercalifrajalisticespialidoius....
11. That ain't it I know!(lmao)
12. Why is it darker when time goes back, and the opposite when time goes up?
13. That was somethng that always concerned me....
14. It always concerned me...
15. Why did we buy new clothes for the first day of school?
16. I mean the other kids didn't know your Sh**ts wasn't new
17. Unless they lived on your block
18. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
19. Arizona Green Tea is the best d**n drink on the planet!
20. You know product "Nutrition Facts" are wrong right?
21. "Turn off the lights, and let's get closer"...that's my jam!
22. My Marc Jacobs bag has a rip in it...
23. Dagnabit!
24. I'm soooooo hungry right now:(
25. I would really like a Steak Sandwich from Taurus....
26. But they run me off!(really bad)
27. But them Sh**ts is soooo good!
28. My sister has been dodging the Department Of Revenue
29. I think the "Umpaloompas" from Willy Wonka are the ones who put those boots on peoples cars
30. How come we never see them niggas doing that mess huh?
31. I'll be 32 this year...D**n it!


Teej said…
#26. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!

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