An Ode To "T"

An Ode To "T"

* A Spoken Word Poem*

How could an angel break my heart? Why didn't he catch my falling star...and make wish? Man I'm pissed right now - at how - this manchild could go to such lengths to shut me out - without a doubt he captured me, cultivated me...I was caught! In a web of lies and deceit - I was trying to be discreet and maintain my lady like attributes, but he tasted my forbiden fruits! and all hell broke lose.

Why in the hell did I give it up so quick and so soon, must have been the moon shining through that open "one room apartment between a little tiny space"...Chico Debarge said it first and love truly hurts.

Shit! I can feel him all the way up to my throat - as he took a toke off my love - man I think I'm in love - or in heaven on cloud nine and it's about damn time!! I waited so long to get my groove back - but will my heart stay intacted? matter of fact - he broke it once damnit!! but he don't even know it!!

In the days to come I would fall deeper, deeper I would be falling into that old abyss called love. Falling like Alice into her wonderland - does he even understand, that my was so long and fierce - fierce I must be in order to keep a grasp on my sensative heart.

Well I'll be damn! my phone has not rang in three days - I'm in a maze...naw forget this crap - we needs to rap. So I called his cell...what the hell? He's not answering, have it your way, I still gots shit to say. He needs to be aware...Sh*t...Sh*t..."at the tone please leave your message after the beep" "Hi it's me...I'm calling to say that - if you don't want to be with me then damnit say that!!" I said it fast and quick - it made me sick to think that he was with her and not me...loving her and not me....sexing her and not me...Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Time went by and things seemed to be great - we were talking and listening and crying and hugging and licking and sticking and missing - one another maybe I should take this further - so I called and said come over. He came over and I went down - on him for the first time..." What's the problem? I'm I out of line?"- he said "no it's fine you just took me by surprise."...Hell I'm surprised!!

He finally left and I began to say...Why didn't you stay...Stevie Wonder said it that way. I was wondering and wandering around in my own little place - no time - no space in between to be mean - to the man I was trying so hard to understand - He had a plan from the jump - my rump anf junk got me in serious funk - I can't stand his funky little attitude...this dude was bogus!! He kept me on a stand - didn't give me a real try...this is why....he wants her - she hates him - he needs me - she hates me - I love him - he does not know - you know what I mean?

Okay so 9-20-01 the damage was done - in 10-20-01 I had some more fun...11-20-01 my heart was the one that was broke - I wanted to choke - his trifflin a**. Now the Summer of Sommerio is over and done and winter is on it's way - I just had one thing to say - I tell you the truth - that summer was one of youth that I did withstand - now it is dead like the people that man - killed in 77...the hottest summer New York ever bad that was the Summer of Sam and here I am with my heart in my hand and my spirit killed you know...cause that summer was the Summer of well you know....

*Written in 2001*


Didi Roby said…
To: Dave...

Thanks a lot! I just write what I feel most of the time. I will be coming by your spot soon.

To: The person who asked about my template...

I could email it to you if you like?

To: All other Anonymous persons...

Thanks a bunch!! Soon.....
Didi Roby said…
To: DIVA....

Hey Now! Thanks girl. I wanted to try something different.

And guess what? Dude(Zack post)is trying to come around agian...I slammed the door in his face yesterday! Through the door I said..."Hardly recognized you without your bath towel and slippers..." dumbass!!
NameLiar said…
You know I had to mess with you on Teej's blog. Nice try though....I got the correlation to why you thought it was that movie. The Landlady in Friday After Next was always asking for the rent. So naturally it would seem to fit...but you must "focus Dee-Dee-son" sorry I was thinking about watching Karate

BTW...that poem is off the chain...look at you flexing that poetic muscle. Don't hurt nobody.
That picture is FIERCE!!!
The only thing that would make it better is if it was PINK!

You have just been tagged!
Girl folks tagging you left and right. So is that like 12 people you have to tag now and list 30 songs?
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