ShoeGal...I Can't Save The World Ya'll!!

Okay so as I am preparing last night for my official first day off work in like FOREVER! due impart to the fact that I now have no job at all, I get a phone call from a girlfriend that I hadn't heard from in years. She is crying all hysterically and what not telling me that her boyfriend just beat her up and now she has locked herself in the Seriously ya'll I'm not making this mess up! She asked me could I please come and get her and take her to a shelter or something...

Now first of all ya'll what the h*ll am I gonna do when I get there and dude won't let her go? Beat his a** or something?? NOT SO MUCH!! See I am a self proclaimed DIVA and this here DIVA don't fight nor does she like to get her a** kicked. So try to calm her down and suggest that instead if calling ME...why don't you call the POLICE. She went on to say that she didn't want him to go to jail, she just wants to be free from him. Reluctantly I get up and go over there, but not before I call about 15 guys I know and tell them where I'm headed first. (that's right the b**ch is smart)

We get there (me and about 5 of the guys I called) looking like some fake a** superheros, and I ring the bell. Dude comes to the door looking all anorexic and what not. Shooks he so tall and thin I could thump him on the head and straight kill his a** like David and Goliath.

Dude: "Yes my I help you?"
ShoeGal007dee3: "Yes I'm here to see "M" (gotta keep her sh*t on the low)
Dude: "She ain't here."
ShoeGal007dee3: (flippin open my cell phone) "Oh she must have just left. Cause about 10 min ago she called me crying and what not begging us to come get her cause you just beat her up." (my sarcastic a**)
Dude: "I don't know what you talking about." (trying to close the door in my face. I had to suffer a pair of my Steve Maddens in the process)
ShoeGal007dee3: "Don't know what I'm talking about huh? (playing the recording back to his a** from my cell...God bless those d*mn special features) Now you can either let me in to get her, or I can call the police and play this here recording for them. See I don't care about your black a** going to jail. And further more I'm not scared of you! (looking at my posse behind me)
It's your choice dude."

Well needless to say he got the h*ll out of my way and I marched into the house got my girl who was badly ruffed up and got the h*ll out of dodge. He start saying how sorry he was and please don't leave and I'll never hit you again and all that other crap. I think it is a real sorry a** nigga who has to hit women!! If I stepped on anyone's toes out there...SO WHAT! GROW THE F**K UP!! Here are some vital and sickning statistics on Domestic Violence....

Abuse In AmericaNationally, Ninety-two percent of women say that reducing domestic violence and sexual assault should be a top priority of any formal efforts taken on behalf of women today, according to a new study by the Center for the Advancement of Women.
Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.

1. In the year 2001, more than half a million American women (588,490 women) were victims of nonfatal violence committed by an intimate partner.

2. Women of all races are about equally vulnerable to violence by an intimate (partner).

3. On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in this country every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner.

4. Approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.
5. The study also found that abused girls are significantly more likely to get involved in other risky behaviors. They were four to six times more likely to get pregnant and eight to nine times more likely to have tried to commit suicide.
6. Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend per year.

7. Three million women who are physically abused by their husband or boyfriend per year.

8. For 30% of women who experience abuse, the first incident occurs during pregnancy.

9. As many as 324,000 women each year experience intimate partner violence during their pregnancy.

They also go on to say that men are victims of Domestic Violence as well...the stats are just not as high.(and that says what?) If you know of anyone who is a victim or you suspect they might be, call this number and get help for them fast.
1-800-799-SAFE (7233) 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

I'm no real superhero ,but I like to think that God had that girl call when she did and with his help (and them strong niggas I called as back up...wink) We were able to save a life as if we were one...ShoeGal007dee3 to the rescue ya'll!!

Be Safe:)


Anonymous said…
u a good one dee cuz she would have just been beat up especially since she said she didnt want him to go to jail she just wanted to get away from him (i mean that was really dumb). but i am glad that u were a good friend and helped out but sometimes i just can't help those who aren't trynna help themselves (it just aint gon' happen). however, i will help out depending upon the circumstances or the situation (if u know what i mean). but im still happy that she's ok, i just hope she doesn't go back to that abusive nigga cuz u know people do that...which is just terrible...i mean y would u wanna get beat up all the time, don't people know that that's what hot nowadays with these nothin a** niggas...(man, i really need for people to get involved with whats goin on in the world) anyway girl i'm out i just wanted to leave u this SHORT little I'LL HOOOOLLLLAA!!!!
Didi Roby said…
To: DIVA...

You are so right. I let her know that if she went back to him,not to call me cause I am officially hanging up my cap when it comes to that mess right there!:)

To: Toni...

Thanks for stopping by girl:)

To: nameliar...

Man, I sure hope girlfriend is okay. I had a friend die once at the hands of her guy and I guess that's why I ran to the rescue. But if she goes back...oh well:(
Didi Roby said…
Thanks proactiff:)
Girl it was more then a notion!!

I hope she does to cause the next time she will diffently have to pray I come flying to the rescue.

I Love my people but d*mn!
Rose said…
Dee Dee, that was great of you. Unfortunately until she is ready, no one can really help her. I know too many people who have or is in this situation. Lost two co-workers in past 4 years. Husband killed wife after finding out she had planned to leave with the help of our agency. Three months ago my former co-worker's husband killed her and then himself. No one even knew she was in an abusive situation. Now teens are really in these violent relationship. They really think it is love...
Didi Roby said…

She better get healed before dating anyone again. And by healing in mean her mind...

Thanks girl:)


It's it something how these women really think that?? It's real unfortunate your right about that:)
Anonymous said…
I am just wondering how long before they're back together (if eva) and if they are, will she call you the next time? I went through this with a friend and I think there were about 4 incidents (that I'm aware of) before she left-left.
Cherise said…
I have been on both sides of the fence.. Abused and the Superhero. I don't like either roles.
I think I know that Dude! Does he live in Myrtle Beach??

Seriously chicks if them dudes start whippin up y'all don't call Dee Dee 'cause she might have left her posse out on the range.


Ain't no man worth it.

and always sleep with an Ice pick under the pillow!

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