Confessions Of A Grown A** Drama Queen

Okay, here I go again with these tears and what not. I have not really been myself(whatever the h*ll that is) for the past few weeks. I even spased the h*ll out on one of my guy friends, about going to pick up his lesbian friend from the! I mean I was letting him have it via IM.

Yellowboy: feeling better?
Dee-Dee: a little...why?
Yellowboy: wanna ride up to waukegan with me?
Dee-Dee: wtf... (holding both sides of my cheeks with my mouth wide open like Kevin from Home Alone)
Yellowboy: take that as a no.
Dee-Dee: just shocked you asked...that's all
Yellowboy: so is that a no?
Dee-Dee: when are you going?
Yellowboy: back by 1
Dee-Dee: I can't...
Yellowboy: ok
Dee-Dee: Thank you for asking me....
Yellowboy: u'll be too sleepy when i come back huh?
Dee-Dee: I don't know why?
Yellowboy: want me to cum through?

Now this is where I get pissed off right here....notice how he said..."cum" through.
I don't know if that is what sent me off of what...let's see...

Dee-Dee: you know the answer to that question
Yellowboy: so u dont?
Dee-Dee: that's why God made our bodies to bend at the men could suck their own dingalings
Yellowboy: i would if i could. hell i do everythig else by myself
Dee-Dee: fisting doesn't count...
Yellowboy: so ur sister is coming at exactly 12?
Dee-Dee: more then likely

Long pause right here...this is where I totally lose it for some reason

Dee-Dee: what are you doing...talking to some girl on the here as well?
Yellowboy: naw
Yellowboy: the phone
Yellowboy: lmao
Dee-Dee: funny....nigg...
Yellowboy: no. serious...trying to find someone to ride with me up there
Dee-Dee: what did you laugh for then....and damn it I thought I was special....
Yellowboy: u r...
Dee-Dee: find a hoochie...i mean girl to ride shot gun yet
Yellowboy: no...jealous ass
Dee-Dee: I am not!
Yellowboy: liar!
Dee-Dee: I am not! Not as jealous as you are
Yellowboy: im not the one hiding behind it
Dee-Dee: hide it everyday
Yellowboy: well hey, ms robi...
Dee-Dee: forgot how to spell my name and S**t....
Yellowboy: my bad... i wont get out there until like 12ish...(the city i mean) i get off at 11:30, make it too the southside bout, 12. pick her up...on 79th by western...bout 12:15...come ur way about 12:30

(my drama meter is off the scales right about now ya'll)

Dee-Dee: pick who up?
Yellowboy: the girl...o I didn't tell you I was picking up a girl? a friend( female, gay) got kicked out her house today and needs a ride up to i was gonna take her up! what? shes gay...
Dee-Dee: nvrmd
Yellowboy: nevermind what? ooooo ms jealous...
Dee-Dee: im tripping that's all
Yellowboy: i know...hard
Dee-Dee: shut the h*ll up!
Yellowboy: so is that cool?
Dee-Dee: NO!
Yellowboy: mad?
Dee-Dee: No...
Yellowboy: then why u acting like that?
Dee-Dee: Im just...I don't know...what's wrong with me..
Yellowboy: me neither...

By now it's about 9:56 and not another word is said until about 10:16....

Yellowboy: to me
Dee-Dee: What should I say...
Yellowboy: u tell me
Dee-Dee: i don't know what to say or tell you...
Yellowboy: i mean u snapped like u didnt want me going anywhere with a like wow...ok...then u got real quiet. like i hurt ur feelings or something..if i did, im sorry but tell me what i did?
Dee-Dee: no I didn't mean it like sorry....I just felt lonely there for a sec....but I got over it cause you are not my man...and I have not right being upset.
Yellowboy: yea!
Dee-Dee: right...well im going to bed safe
Yellowboy: okie dokie
Dee-Dee: bye
Yellowboy: bye bye

The adventures of Dee-Dee and Yellowboy...Great! What else can happen?


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